19 July 2012

How to Activate Email Subscription By Feedburner

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These days RSS feed is so popular and many people use it. To promote your website and get maximum traffic to you sites RSS feed plays a vital role. But some visitors to your site don't know about RSS feed and some don't want to be entangled with it using RSS reader. It benefits so many people. However there's a service called "Email subscription" that you can offer your visitors. 

Here we're gonna discuss "Email Subscription" via Feedburner.

Some people find it difficult to Activate this service, but I'm gonna tell you the way to do this.

Follow the Steps Given below:

1: Go to Feedburner and login with your Username and Password.

2: Click “My Feeds” in the upper left corner.

3: Select your feed from the list.

4: Now Click on the “Publicize” tab.


5: Then you have to click Email Subscriptions on the left side. 



6: Confirm that Feedburner is chosen, and then click on Activate. 

7: Copy the HTML code from the Code box.


After copying it login to administrator account of your web site and paste the copied code where you wanna keep the Subscribe by Email text box.

Its your own choice that where do you wanna place the feedburner subscription text box. 

To do this you need to know a lil about HTML.

Congratulations.. !!!Now your visitors can gain your site's latest updates via email.