22 July 2012

How to Add a Subscribe Button to Facebook Profile? Follow Me On Facebook ?

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Currently a new option has been added to the profile pages of Facebook called "Subscribe"

By this option people will follow your updates as you follow anyone on twitter. If you set up your facebook privacy as "Public" then whenever you post something on your profile your Subscriber will be able to get that latest update. 

Therefore you'd be delighted to see that people that are not added to your friend list will also follow you.

Facebook profile subscribe option is  very useful for those who don't wanna add so many people to their friendlist but they want their updates to be shared with their non friend users too.

Whenever anyone clicks on the Subscribe button on your profile page then he will be able to get latest updates from you. Your subscribers can also "Like" or "Comment" on your posts if you give them permission.

Now i'm gonna tell you how to add This Subscribe Button to your facebook profile..!!

Go to http://www.facebook.com/about/subscribe . But keep in mind if you really want to add this button then you will have to setup your facebook privacy as "Public". If you want to see what stuff is being seen by your sebscribers then go to your profile page and click on "View as" and then click on "public". That link will show you the stuff being seen by subscribers.

So get the benefit from this offer and let the people know your thoughts.

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